DIY Smart Blinds v3 – Wand System Adapter / Conversion

First and foremost I would like to thank the community for your support and questions over the course of the DIY SmartBlinds V3 project. One of the common questions I get asked is

“How can I make this work if my blinds have a wand instead of a pull chain?”

I have been working on the conversion design for some time now and I think I have something I can share with the community. The wand conversion simply replaces the top lid of the DIY SmartBlinds v3 design. It will add two gears to convert the vertical motion to horizontal and might incorporate a small bearing to ease the twisting motion. Here is the design concept.

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  1. Hi, first – I really like your designs and ideas, great work! 🙂 Do you have any plans on updating this adapter for blinds with wand? Unfortunatelly I have them in whole house and my skill at drawing etc. is not good enough to finish this on my own. 😀

    1. Hi Daniel, I do have a prototype but only for the DYI Smart Blinds v2. I will find the STL file and post it so that you can try it.

  2. Hi, Peter this is fantastic and I bought the STL fiels and trying one setup now.
    I too would like the STL file for the wand if possible. Thanks!

    1. I think I posted a demo of the wand adapter for v2 of the DIY Smart Blinds. I have not been able to test it. Take look here: DIY SmartBlinds v2 Wand Adapter

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